A boy named Shafiq :)
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Hello , Assalamualaikum . Today aku nak jiwang jap . Hahaha . cheq nak habaq pasai sorang budak nie haa .
Okay , lets get start the story.


I just fall in love . 
And the boy named Shafiq .
She makes me melt with his voice and attitude .
Yes , I only know him on Facebook . 
But , I don't know . 
I just feel like I know him about a thousand years ago .
I just love the way he talk , his cute voice . Like a child .  Mai gwad , so adore baby <3
On the phone with him just a while can make me smile for a one day .
I don't know . 
I in love like crazy with him . 
But I know he just consider me as a friend . I realise it .

He is so talkative . 
He like to story about whatever he want to story . And I just listen what he story about .
So cute fucking damn much baby <3
The way he laugh , adorable baby .

Okay , Hey Shafiq , I just fall in love with you . Awak baca tau ayat dalam gambar tu . Kbye *tutup muka* :)